With Jill Randerson of JREMco and Jessica Luke of JLuke Consulting, FRAME assisted the Discovery Children’s Museum as they evaluated and assessed each exhibit in the museum.

Each gallery, including the ever-popular (but operationally problematic) Summit Climber, was reviewed in detail for visitor engagement, maintenance load, capacity for increased visitation, and innovative delivery of the museum’s messages. Recommendations were developed for each exhibit based on its ranking; during the summer of 2020 the museum was closed, so several exhibits were removed, refreshed, or reconfigured. A series of more significant design projects, including the redevelopment of the Summit Climber, will be part of the next phase of work.

Conceptual climber renderings by Karoo DesignViz, in collaboration with Jill Randerson and Alissa Rupp. Multi-media concepts by MELT Creative.